Put aside your wrinkle creams for a few minutes and try to save a few years by changing your posture.
We often think about our parents who told us: “Keep up the right” Well yes they knew it …
Muscle relaxation amplifies the bad positions, the body adapts but not without difficulty. A cascade of compensations are put in place and degrade the pace and end up generating pain. What give a good shot of old!
Try this test:
“Place the head, back and buttocks against a wall, feet 15 cm from the wall, then try to put your hand behind your back. If you do not succeed, it is because your posture erases the natural lumbar arch, which rounds the spine. And because the back and shoulders are bent forward, it increases the weight of the head, so it causes tension in the neck and upper back. ”
These small postural imbalances are fortunately reversible.
The weekly strategy: Practice 1 to 2 hours of Pilates a week to strengthen your “Powerhouse” (deep muscles of the center of the body). This is where all the movements are controlled, and which allows a better posture.
An example: Having your head tilted on your Smartphone or your screen will lead you to highlight your head with your shoulders tucked away, which makes your back = + 5 to 10 years old on your actual age !!!!
A toned silhouette, better posture = youthful blow effect
Remember to book your Pilates class ………